XPAY pay- how to pay transaction?
when we want to make an xpay payment, we can go throght a payment page or do trick and run this in the db. it will updat the TRANStransstid=1
there’s a job that running automated every 10 minutes, so if we want we can run it by our self.
declare @transid int = 4980125
declare @compId int = (select transcompanyid
from africainv..TRANS
where TRANSID = @transid)
declare @cctid int = (select top 1 isnull(cctid, 0)
from africainv..CCT
join africainv..CCTYPE on cctypeid = CCTcctypeid
where cctcompanyid = @compId
and CCTactive = 1
and CCTYPEiscreditcard = 1
and CCTclientsettlementid > 0
order by CCTCreateddate)
if @cctid > 0
update africainv..trans
set TRANSfinalpaymentRTid = TRANSrtid,
TRANSfinalpaymentAmount = TRANStotalUSD,
TRANSpaymentdate = getdate(),
TRANSModifiedDate = getdate(),
TRANSterminalid = (select cctterminalid from africainv..CCT where cctid = @cctid),
TRANScctid = @cctid
where transid = @transid
-- Run The bellow Jobs:
-- Every 10 min
exec africainv..[Scheduled_10minrunAfricainv]
exec africainv..[Schedule_LastUsedInsert_DBA]
-- Every 10 minutes 2
exec africainv..[Scheduled_TRANSACCrun_Transactions]
exec africainv..[Scheduled_TRANSACCrun_Refunds]
exec africainv..[Scheduled_TRANSACCrun_Chargebacks]
exec africainv..[Scheduled_TRANSACCrun_Allocations]
exec africainv..[Scheduled_TRANSACCrun_RR_Commissions_Updates]
exec africainv..[Scheduled_TRANSACCrun_TRANSCcreation_fees]
exec africainv..[Scheduled_10minrunAfricainv]
else begin
select 'Settlement cycle not defined for this cct terminal (CCTid): ' + @cctid + ' correct the settings and try again'