The chargeTokenCreditCard request will charge a transaction created by createToken
The method will response with the result of your request
Variables to send:
Parameter | Data type | Description | |
Request | Text | chargeTokenCreditCard | Mandatory |
CompanyToken | Token | Token you got from 3G to operate this API | Mandatory |
TransactionToken | Token | Transaction token as accepted from the createToken. | Mandatory |
CreditCardNumber | Number | Credit card number | Mandatory |
CreditCardExpiry | MMYY | Month and year of expiry of credit card | Mandatory |
CreditCardCVV | Number | 3-4 digits of CVV | Mandatory |
CardHolderName | Text | Card holder name | Mandatory |
ThreeD | Data | Data for 3D process | Optional |
ThreeD data to send (Data for 3D process (depend by terminal (MPGS3D, MPGS3DAirlines, MIGS3D, PG3D))):
Parameter | Data type | Description | |
Enrolled | Text | 3D param, mandatory for PG3D, MIGS3D | Optional |
Paresstatus | Text | 3D param, mandatory for PG3D, MIGS3D( | Optional |
Eci | Text | 3D param, mandatory for all terminal types | Optional |
Xid | Text | 3D param, mandatory for all terminal types | Optional |
Cavv | Text | 3D param, mandatory for all terminal types | Optional |
Signature | Text | 3D param, mandatory for PG3D | Optional |
Veres | Text | 3D param, mandatory for MPGS3D, MPGS3DAirlines, MIGS3D | Optional |
Pares | Text | 3D param, mandatory for MPGS3D, MPGS3DAirlines, transact3d("3d2_transaction_id" param) | Optional |
Request example:
request example
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<CardHolderName>John Doe</CardHolderName>
</API3G> |
The server will respond for the chargeTokenCreditCard request according to the following results:
Parameter | Data type | Description |
Result | 3/4 digits code | A code will be sent with the result of the request |
ResultExplanation | Text | Free text of the result |
Respond codes:
Code | Explanation |
000 | Transaction charged |
200 | Transaction already paid |
801 | Request missing company token |
802 | Wrong CompanyToken |
803 | No request or error in Request type name |
804 | Error in XML |
902 | Data mismatch in one of the fields – fieldname |
950 | Request missing mandatory fields – fieldname |
999 | Transaction Declined - Explanation |
Respond examples:
Success response example
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Explanation>Transaction Charged</Explanation>
</API3G> |
Error response examples
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Explanation>Request missing mandatory fields – CardHolderName</Explanation>