

The SuperWalletGetTransactions request will show the transactions paid for a customer, ordered by payment date (descending)

URL: https://secure1.sandbox.directpay.online/API/v6/

Variables to send:

Data type

 Request Text SuperWalletGetTransactionsMandatory
CompanyTokenTokenToken you got from 3G to operate this APIMandatory
customerUnqTokenToken of the customerMandatory
customerTokenTokenToken for customer's credit card. If not sent, results will be for all cards.Optional
numberOfRecordsNumberMaximum number of records to show in response (default 100)Optional
indexOfRecordsNumberIndex for first (default 0)Optional

Request example

Request example
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


The server will respond for the SuperWalletGetTransactions request according to the following results:

Data type
ResultNumberResult Code
ResultExplanationTextFree text of the response
TotalTransactionsNumberTotal of transactions existing for the customer
transHistoryTagAn inside xml with details of the transactions
transTagEach transaction will be returned in a <trans> tag
transRefTextReference of the transaction
providerNameTextCompany Name of the transaction
transCurrencyTextCurrency of transaction
paymentDateDatePayement date
transCardTypeTextType of the credit card
transCardNumNumberLast 4 numbers of the credit card

Response example
<ResultExplanation>Transactions found</ResultExplanation>
		<providerName>Direct Pay Online Payment</providerName>
		<providerName>Direct Pay Online Payment</providerName>