Below is a list of all actions that are supported by our API:
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| Action Name |
1 | checktoken | 2 | gettoken |
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| Action Name |
1 | AFBupdate | 2 | APItokenToCompanyCode | 3 | chargeTokenAuth | 4 | chargeTokenCreditCard | 5 | ChargeTokenMobile | 6 | createExternalPayment | 7 | createToken | 8 | executeXpay | 9 | getBalance | 10 | getcompanydetails | 11 | GetMobilePaymentOptions | 12 | getServices | 13 | getServicesforprovider | 14 | usrAuth | 15 | verifyToken |
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| Action Name |
1 | addCard | 2 | APItokenToCompanyCode | 3 | cancelToken | 4 | chargeTokenAuth | 5 | chargeTokenBankTransfer | 6 | chargeTokenCreditCard | 7 | chargetokenmobile | 8 | chargeTokenMobileDeposit | 9 | chargeTokenRecurrent | 10 | CompanyMobilePaymentOptions | 11 | createAccount | 12 | createExternalPayment | 13 | createMerchant | 14 | createMvisaQRcode | 15 | createNewDeposit | 16 | createOrder | 17 | createToken | 18 | CreateUser | 19 | customerChargeToken | 20 | customerLogin | 21 | deleteCard | 22 | emailToToken | 23 | executeXpay | 24 | getBalance | 25 | GetBankTransferOptions | 26 | getcompanydetails | 27 | getDepositAccounts | 28 | GetMobilePaymentOptions | 29 | getServices | 30 | getServicesforprovider | 31 | getSubscriptionToken | 32 | getTransactionByRef | 33 | getTransactions | 34 | getTransactionsCount | 35 | merchantOnBoarding | 36 | pullAccount | 37 | refundToken | 38 | SuperWalletChangePassword | 39 | superWalletCreateQRcode | 40 | SuperWalletGetTransactions | 41 | SuperWalletSetDefaultCard | 42 | transInfo | 43 | updateDepositRef | 44 | updateMerchant | 45 | updateSafari | 46 | updateToken | 47 | usrAuth | 48 | verifyDepositPayment | 49 | verifyDeposits | 50 | verifyToken | 51 | verifyXpay |
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| Action Name |
1 | addMobile | 2 | chargeTokenCreditCard | 3 | ChargeTokenMobile | 4 | createAccount | 5 | deleteMobile | 6 | getAccountBalance | 7 | getCompanyDetails | 8 | GetMobileCountryCurrencySets | 9 | GetMobilePaymentOptions | 10 | getRefunds | 11 | getRefundsByRef | 12 | getTransactionByRef | 13 | getTransactions | 14 | getTransactionsCount | 15 | getUserDetails | 16 | pullAccount | 17 | updateToken | 18 | UserAuth | 19 | verifyToken |