Parameter | Data type | Description | |
CompanyToken | Token | Token you got from 3G to operate this API | Mandatory |
Request | Text | createToken | Mandatory |
Parameter | Data type | Description | |
ServiceDescription | Text | The description of the payment made | Mandatory |
ServiceType | Number | Service type number according to the options accepted from DPO | Mandatory-Optional (Need send ServiceType or ServiceTypeName) |
ServiceTypeName | Text | Service type name according to the options accepted from DPO | Mandatory-Optional (Need send ServiceType or ServiceTypeName) |
ServiceDate | DateTime | Service date of the booked service | Mandatory |
ServiceFrom | Iata | 3 letters departure airport code | Optional |
ServiceTo | Iata | 3 letters destination airport code | Optional |
ServiceRef | Text | Service Reference | Optional |
Parameter | Data type | Description | Is Mandatory |
TicketType DocumentType DateIssued IATACarrierCode IATATravelAgencyNbr TicketCarrierName TicketIssuerCityName PassengerCount ConjTicketIndicator ElecTicketIndicator TicketNumber FlightLegDetails Travelers | Text Text DateTime IataTextIata Text Text Text Numeric Text Text Text XML (String) XML (String) | Ticket Type Document Type Date Issued IATA Carrier Code IATA Travel Agency Number Ticket Carrier Name Ticket Issuer City Name Number of Passengers Conjunction Ticket Indicator Electronic Ticket Indicator Exchanged/Original Ticket No or PNR Flight Leg Details Traveler Details | Optional Optional Mandatory Mandatory Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Mandatory Optional Optional |
Traveler Details Prams:
Parameter | Data type | Description | Is Mandatory |
TravelerFirstName | Text | First name | Mandatory |
TravelerLastName | Text | Last name | Mandatory |
TravelerPhone | Text | Phone number | Optional |
TravelerPhonePrefix | Numeric | Phone number prefix (without +) | Optional |
TravelerDateOfBirth | DateTime | Traveler Date Of Birth | Optional |
TravelerCountryCode | Text | Traveler Country Code | Optional |
Parameter | Data type | Description | Is Mandatory |
FlightDescription | Text | The description of the payment made | Mandatory |
FlightType | Number | Service type number according to the options accepted from DPO | Mandatory |
FightDate | DateTime | Service date of the booked service | Mandatory |
FlightFrom | IataText | 3 letters departure airport code | Mandatory |
FightTo | IataText | 3 letters destination airport code | Mandatory |
FlightRef | Text | Service Reference | Optional |
CarrierCode | IataText | IATA carrier code | Mandatory |
ServiceClass | Text | Service Class | Mandatory |
FlightNumber | Text | Flight Number | Mandatory |
FareBasisCode | Text | Fare Basis Code | Mandatory |
StopOverCode | Text | Stop Over Code | Mandatory |